Inner Work With MaryAnn Walker: Life Coach for Empaths, Highly Sensitive People & People Pleasers

Morning Musings with MaryAnn

MaryAnn Walker Episode 82

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Introducing our new mini Monday episodes! Here, I'll be sharing some insightful mindfulness tips to help you enhance your self-awareness and receptivity.

This morning's musing revolves around the concept of creating more empty space in our lives to receive personal guidance and inspiration.

In today's fast-paced world, we often prioritize productivity and multitasking. While it might make us appear highly accomplished externally, it can leave us feeling disconnected internally, affecting our receptivity to new ideas and insights.

So, here's a challenge for you today: pick one activity and commit to being fully present with it. Whether it's meal prepping, making your bed, or driving to the store, immerse yourself in the moment. Take a break from podcasts, audiobooks, and your phone. Just be there, fully present, and observe what shifts occur within you.

For instance, I recently tried this while taking a walk in the park. Instead of listening to music or checking my phone, I focused solely on the sounds of nature and the sensation of each step. It was incredibly refreshing and helped me tune into my surroundings in a way I hadn't before.

Give it a try and let me know how it goes for you! Remember, creating space for stillness can lead to profound insights and moments of clarity. Stay tuned for more mindfulness tips in our upcoming episodes.

Well, good morning. You guys are the first people I've talked to today. So my voice is a little bit sleepy, still. It is currently five 30 when I'm recording this. And I am trying something new. And I kind of wanted to tell you the origin story, I guess. So I have been waking up at 4:00 AM lately, and I would honestly like to sleep in a little bit longer than that. So when I wake up at four. Then I generally listen to an audio book or some meditations or affirmations or something to help me to get back to sleep. And this morning. Then as I was listening to one of my affirmations, Playlist's. Um, which I can totally post in the show notes. If you guys are interested, let me know. Um, but I was listening to my affirmations playlist and had this strong impression that okay. You just, you just need to pause for. So I paused it. Okay. So what do I want to learn about today? What do I want to yeah. Feel inspired about? And I was thinking on my own life and thinking about those that I serve and thinking on the idea of feeling received and feeling and received. And I just had this strong impression that I needed to create more space for actually receiving. And at first I kind of laughed.'cause. I was like, I'll come on. That's all they do all day. It's like receive people. But the feeling was no. Now you're not receiving from me. And so whatever you call it, God, the universe source energy. Um, I just had the strong impression I needed to create more space. For receiving. So I sat and I listened. And had the impression that yeah, like I have really been feeling every empty space. I try so hard to be so productive. So I've been filling every empty space with something I'm like the queen of multitasking. So I had the impression that, okay, so when you meal prep this morning, I really want you to just only meal prep. Don't listen to any music. Don't listen to any podcasts or audio books. Just be present with the meal prep. And anyway, then there was a series of events that happened in my mind. And now here I am. We're ultimately, I came to the conclusion that I want to build on some bonus episodes. And so I think that Monday mornings you can call it what, I don't know. Morning, musings with Maryanne or maybe mindful Monday. I'm not quite sure yet. But I want to include some bonus episodes and they'll just be super short and sweet. Um, but I want to include some mindfulness tips. And kind of bring you along on this journey that I am now on. Where. There's a very loud truck outside. Um, but, uh, yeah, I want to bring you on this journey of mindfulness and trying harder to create more space. For receptivity. So, yeah, this is me committing and showing that universal energy that I'm listening. And I want to show up. And I'm going to follow that guidance and that inspiration. So I hope that you like it. I think that this is going to be a fun thing. Um, if you're watching on YouTube, you can see, I really am just showing up authentically. This is going to be a very different feel. From my regular Thursday episodes. Um, they're going to be. Less edited. Uh, it's giving me showing up, like in my bathroom, like I am today. No makeup, no, no hair done. Just me and my cat. Possibly a cup of tea. So, yeah, so for this week, I encourage you to just create more empty spaces. To receive. I just see what comes up for you. It could be just a few minutes. But there it is. So anyway, I hope you enjoy your bonus episodes and yeah, I look forward to getting to know you better and bringing you along on this journey.